What does Isolation mean to Me

Credits: Sasha Freemind from Unsplash

Isolation is the act of separating oneself from people, surroundings, and eventually everything! Many people are of the view that humans, as a social animal, need other human beings too to live their life. This isn’t wrong. We really do need others to share our thoughts and feelings, But sometimes, all we need is a BREAK! Break as in cut-off from the world and living solo. Isolation must not be confused with selfishness. It isn’t correct to live happily while others are in pain.

“Isolation comes as an option when one is tired of facing humans, being social or might be too hurt to meet others.” NO! This isn’t true always! We have a mindset that if a person is alone then definitely they are “heart-broken”, “hurt”, “ditched”, and so on and so forth! In reality, many people love taking solo trips and living solo! It’s a different way of living life, different from the one that we’ve been dealing with since our childhood! Solo life teaches one responsibility along with the freedom in ultimately everything! IT’S A CHOICE. NOT A CONDITION!

I think our people (In India) must be more open about solo life and isolation. I would like to conclude by saying what I’ve said before about enjoying the moments, “While zooming in, many a times you miss what’s just next to you. You miss it’s essence, it’s feeling. Therefore, it’s time to zoom out buddy! Feel the things next to you and try to capture them forever in your eyes! #LiveInTheMoment”

So, it doesn’t really matter who you are with or even if you aren’t with anyone, as long as you are happy, It’s FINE!

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